Thanks for visiting our site! If you use utorrent links to download movies, you must have a torrent client ( ex. uTorrent). You can learn how to use torrent here.
We encode the videos using the Xvid codec. If you can't play them with your media player, please use the Free Media Player.
All movies are free for download. However, you may need to complete a free offer to get passwords to unlock them. It helps us to keep doing our job bringing the best movies to you.
If you have completed an offer and the page is still locked, please try a different offer. If you have tried all of the given offers and the page is still locked, please follow these steps:
1. Like our partner facebook's fanpage:
2. Ask 5 of your facebook friends to like it (They have to be new fans).
3. Send us the links of your facebook + your friends’ facebook profiles via email
We will check them and send you the password if they are valid. Don’t forget to give us the title of the movie you want to unlock. You can also request 2 passwords of other movies if you ask 10 friends to like the page.
Enjoy and have fun!